How to treat autism in children.
With the advancement of medical and psychological sciences, the focus of researchers and specialists in human development takes an important turn towards a better understanding
With the advancement of medical and psychological sciences, the focus of researchers and specialists in human development takes an important turn towards a better understanding
Alternative medicine..Can it replace traditional medicine?Publisher’s name: Al-Thawra Publication date: 2002-05-29 Alternative medicine..Can it replace traditional medicine?
Publisher’s name: Al-seyassahPublication date: 2001-11-04 “Al-Sugaria” is a new way to deal with incurable diseases
Publisher’s name: Al-AnbaaPublication date: 2003-02-09 The news…Norflex therapy felt and came out of my spine
Publisher’s name: KUNA NewsPublication date: 2002-08-01 Yasser Kassar: The spine is the key to the secrets of treating chronic and intractable pain
Publisher’s name: InterlocutorPublication date: 2003-01-10
Based on the nomination of the faculty, administration and experts and Secretary General of the University of Carolina Yasser Mustafa Yassin Kassar was awarded a
The speech delivered by researcher Yasser Mustafa Kassar Within the entertainment festival held in Kuwait by a company International Service for people with special needs
In the presence of Sheikha Intisar Al-Mohammed and some members of the National Assembly And all directors of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor
Honoring researcher Yasser Kassar At the Arab Pioneers and Innovators Festival Jordan / 2009 AD The Arab Pioneers and Innovators Festival concluded its work by
Pioneering holistic healing, uncovering mysteries of ailments, empowering lives through scientific breakthroughs.