Oriental medicine (Chinese and others) dealt with pain and disease by working on active biological points / Bioactive points / in the body and divided the body into twelve meridians and energy channels and dealt with them either with acupuncture or pressing on the points with the fingers of the hand and obtained positive results for many diseases. Including that it is intractable, and traditional medicine has nothing to do with it except for conservative treatment and asking the patient to live with the disease or pain. The cause of pain or disease is often attributed to the psychological aspect when the real cause of the disease is not discovered.
But oriental medicine did not provide a scientific justification for the positive results it obtained, nor did it give a clear diagnosis in some cases, and many of its beliefs about the internal organs of the body and their functions were inconsistent with anatomy and modern scientific knowledge. This medicine did not develop its view according to the new sciences and its interpretations mixed With a lot of philosophy and ancient beliefs, he relied mainly on the fact that the composition of the human structure is made up of the elements of nature: (dust, water, wood, fire, and iron … etc.) To balance it by activating the energy in the body and opening the energy channels in it, and activating the active biological points by acupuncture, linking them to astronomical influences on each organ and choosing certain times to treat each case sometimes.
The unconvincing explanation and misconceptions about the internal anatomy of the body and the functions of its organs do not negate the positive results that this type of treatment obtains. Therefore, there must be a real reason behind these positive results, and this is what prompted me to clarify the facts that I reached through study, research and experiment. Long form a new vision.
It is known that from every two vertebrae in the spine, two nerves emerge, heading towards the right and the left, and each of them has a specific path that reaches a specific organ in the body. Time appears and worsens severely if it is exposed to external factors such as cold, fatigue, or severe psychological disorders. Hence, it is believed that most incurable diseases are caused by myself. The part of the body, which leads to atrophy and weakness, and chronic infections may occur in which antibiotics are not useful, and here the pain or illness worsens and becomes chronic and intractable.
This form of injury does not exclude any member of the body from it. Every organ connected to a spinal nerve is exposed to injury.
A rare few methods of treatment have developed over the past centuries that have approached more than common sense with a complete lack of clarity of the idea and remained largely influenced by ancient philosophy, and it was considered that the spine is the cause of most human pain and diseases, and this coincided with a previous saying of the father of medicine (Hippocrates He said: We must pay attention to the spine, because from it nerves are distributed throughout the body, and it is responsible for most diseases that affect humans.
Although traditional medicine and physiotherapy consider that the thoracic vertebrae are usually harmless, claiming that they are protected by the thoracic feathers, but in reality most people suffer from health problems caused by damage to the thoracic vertebrae, and we are almost certain that most of the headaches and so-called migraine originate in the thoracic vertebrae.
Among the common pains caused by these vertebrae are:
Frozen shoulder – tennis elbow syndrome – numbness or stiffness of the fingers (mentioned) – muscle atrophy and weakness in the hands – throat pain – lumbago.
As for the health problems it causes, they are: asthma – shortness of breath (choicing) and difficulty swallowing – inflammation of the esophagus and duodenum – tachycardia – symptoms of false angina – heaviness in the heart – tingling chest pain – atrial fibrillation – disorders in the functions of some glands such as the pancreas, liver and Gallbladder and sternum pain and pectoral feathers.
Perhaps this calls us strongly to believe that these causes of symptoms of heart disease and others are the causes of actual diseases that afflict man later, and therefore this trend opens a great door for study and research to reach more facts that may be of utmost importance to all mankind, and for this this matter requires Serious and responsible cooperation for research and study.
All the organs in the head (eyes – ears – nose – tongue – jaws – throat – larynx) are connected by a specific nerve from between the cervical vertebrae, in addition to the cranial nerves coming directly from the brain. Cervical vertebrae nerves may cause the following diseases:
1. Eye diseases: (myopia – far – astigmatism) of sight – various infections – (atrophy – detachment) of the retina – ischemia – nystagmus – functional laziness in the ocular motor muscles – immobility of the eye – pain in the eye accompanied with headache or headache.
2. The nose: sinus infections – allergy – frequent colds and runny noses – congestion and difficulty breathing.
3. Ear diseases: dizziness – vertigo – Meniere’s disease – tinnitus – hearing loss – atrophy of the auditory sensory nerve – chronic otitis media – adhesion or convergence of the ossicles of the middle ear – edema – it is worth noting that the intended auditory nerve is not the cranial nerve but the cervical spinal nerve, which It is behind most ear diseases – and this is not known to medicine -.
4. Diseases of the larynx: frequent inflammation (pharynx- tonsils)- throat pain- some cases of slurred speech- slurred speech.
5. The face: facial nerve (seventh nerve) trigeminal nerve (fifth nerve) – jaw pain, eyelid drooping.
It is widely believed that the nerve dies completely after weeks if it loses its functions and the nerve impulse stops in it, as is the case in the injury of the seventh nerve (the facial nerve). In fact, any nerve believed to be (completely paralyzed) – according to medical examinations and estimates of specialists – may return to its normal state by massaging it. From the root of the nerve to its end where the concerned organ is.
Very high positive results are achieved during the first years after the injury, and recovery rates decrease steadily with the passing of the years.
There are a group of diseases that may be related to the origin of the nervous system and the lumbar nerve pathways, including:
Stomach ulcers – cramps or infections of the colon – nervous bladder – urinary retention – urinary infections – infections of the genital organs – prolapse of the uterus, weakness of the ovaries – flank pain – lower back pain – pain in the lower abdomen and under the ureter – pain in the knees, metatarsal and various areas in the lower extremities.
Known pathways for each nerve We know the real location of pain in the spine with extreme accuracy, and thus we can make an objective clinical diagnosis, avoiding making mistakes from the possibility of abnormalities appearing in the image that may be purely coincidental.
This does not exclude the sacral and coccygeal vertebrae, which have a large share in the pain of the lower extremities in many people, and usually these pains are of unknown cause and may be wrongly treated from other places. Pain is often attributed to causes far from the truth.
Some skin diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema, and others, may be completely cured if the nerve leading to the liver is treated with its end all the way to the liver itself, and urticaria (which appears to be a skin disease or a type of allergy that may be thought to be caused by blood) is in fact the matter. Arising from spasms or functional laziness in the large intestine or the intestinal tract. Symptoms of urticaria are completely eliminated by treating the nerves of the colon and stomach.
Nerve pain or paralysis is often accompanied by atrophy of the muscles that the nerve path passes through, and a decrease in the temperature of that organ. It may be thought that muscle atrophy results from a lack of movement as a result of nerve pain or weak movement due to nerve paralysis, and we imagine that when a nerve loses its functions completely or partially, the passage of the nerve impulse in it is absent or decreased, which is reflected in the mechanism of transmitting messages with blood requests to the cells, and the blood flow to the cells decreases. That muscle, and the cells begin to atrophy and fade away, and it may end completely, so that the skin becomes adjacent to the bones, and even if the matter reaches this state, the muscle begins to grow again just to return the nerve to its normal state, and there is no need for massage, and light exercise after treatment is enough for the muscle to return to normal.
The hope in this new view that leads to the real causes of this type of diseases and chronic pains, and knowing the real cause of these diseases, is that the world will open a new door of studies on nerves and their various effects on the human body and prove the existence of nerve pathways that were not known before. And its effects on areas believed until now to be from other causes, and this has been proven completely on all the disease cases that have been treated in this way, which are hundreds and severe, intractable cases.
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